Since our doors opened we have been a club with a mission. No athlete who wants to pursue their potential in the water should have to be prevented from it because of the color of their skin, or their families financial means. While the sport of swimming can be costly with meet fees, equipment costs and tuition we have been actively living our mission to keep kids in the water.
In our first year we found philanthropic individuals to sponsor some of our neediest kids. These were mostly parents of existing and former Swimmers from teams that had been coached by our head coach. From the first group who put up the money to pay for our insurance we grew to being able to offer scholarships to offset our summer program fees and ultimately applied and were awarded a grant from money raised by the Country Fun Run to help more athletes in the second year.
Hurricane Harvey gave us another opportunity to give back to our community and keep kids in the water. Recognizing that our area had been heavily damaged and that the priority for our families would be in repairing their homes, we reduced our tuition in September for all of our athletes and extended outreach to anyone directly impacted by the storm. The 2017-2018 school year also brought us our first graduating senior and as another part of our mission to build college bound student athletes we were able to offer a small scholarship. Meanwhile we continued to offer reduced rates for all families who qualified for federal free and reduced lunch. Our grant gave us the opportunity to help these families and purchased much needed equipment.
We continue to reach out to families in need with 60 percent of our members receiving some form of assistance in 2019-20 and a similar amount in need this year. Each athlete on average served take on average $650 annually to keep them in the water. Your contributions directly impact these athletes on their journey to becoming champions.
If you are a business looking to sponsor our team please see our sponsorship page.
Individual contributions can be made through a member or online. We appreciate all support.