Lesson/Precompetitive Packages

While regular full month instruction is recommended and more economical, we can provide a 2 week package as needed. Please be advised, accounts must be paid in full by the 5th of the month in order to be eligible for the whole month discount.

  • Sirius-$75
  • Rigel-$80
  • Antares-$85
  • Booster I-$87.50
  • Booster I Transition-$90
  • Booster II-$92.50
  • Booster II Transition-$95

2 Day Multiple Sport/Busy Schedule Option

For levels Bronze and above two in water days are selected from levels schedule and any Dryland or Gym days are included.


  • Bronze 1- $139
  • Bronze 1 Transition-$143
  • Bronze 2-$146
  • Bronze 2 Transition-$150
  • Silver- $154
  • Gold- $157
  • Senior-$161

Adult Master Swim

Level 1-Adult Learn to Swim $80

Level 2-Able to swim at least 25 yards independently $70 per month


Head Start to Summer League Coming in 2025, sessions are available to help your athlete get in condition and improve technique prior to Summer league competition. Click image for the flyer and more information.

May/June Splash Clinics-As a compliment to many of our athletes summer league season we offer additional practice to help them gain that competitive edge for invitationals.

Long Course-When CyFair ISD converts their district natatorum to a 50 meter pool we offer our athletes an opportunity to train in the longer distance swam by Olympians.

Summer Stroke Clinics-Offered in July and August these 1 week clinics provide an opportunity to refine strokes. Packages available for multiple weeks as well.

Conditioning Camp and Trial Membership-offered in the evenings in July and August provide time to practice what is learned in the morning clinics and give a taste of what year round membership is like.